
Donating is a great way to make a difference. No donation is too small to have an impact. Every contribution matters!


If you’re impressed with what you see, we’d be thrilled to receive your feedback. We’re constantly searching for skilled individuals who understand our work and are eager to contribute towards improving it.

Donate Points

Qantas and Thai Airways

Help our team by donating your points! If you’re interested in donating Qantas or Thai Airways Points to One Thousand Villages, please get in touch with us.


There are so many ways to raise funds for One Thousand Villages. Consider organising a BBQ breakfast or lunch at your workplace and invite colleagues to contribute. You can also fundraise at school, with friends, a sports club, or a sports team. Another idea is to host a special dinner at church. Don’t forget to share your fundraising ideas on social media. We welcome anyone who is willing to lend a hand!